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Brother DCP-8155DN Printer Driver Download

Brother DCP-8155DN Printer Drivers. Easy set up and drivers installation! Printer gets with me a fixed IP address and is therefore very easy to find! PC: install software printer is found in the network automatically, everything prints! Attention: you should not be tempted to activate the option "WIFI direct" on the device (in the default setting this is also deactivated and that's a good thing), because with it the wireless connection works badly or not at all. Generally and especially when using the mobile APP, I recommend you from the router to assign a fixed IP and enter this with the appropriate option. This Brother DCP-8155DN works 100% and everything prints! The print quality is top! So far 80 g, 120 g and 160 g have been successfully printed on the print media. The only (for me rather a small) lack: the feeder of special media is very very short and suitable only for a single sheet. Also, the output flap is much too short - when the back is issued, the medium falls on the table or even on the floor. But the medium is not bent and is flat as the flounder.

Brother DCP-8155DN Driver Download

The standard edition is above. There is plenty of room in the output tray here. If the medium is discharged at the top, it is passed over a roller. This is not a problem with the standard paper 80 g - with 120 g paper this is still ok, but from 160 g, the paper is already bent a bit. Photoprint on thicker paper is actually ok too - note: an inkjet print is much higher quality! The Brother DCP-8155DN has completely convinced me and I can recommend you the product! My almost 10 years old Canon inkjet printer has now become obsolete. However, high-quality photos are printed in discounters or online. But from now on there's always a working printer in the home office.

Download Driver Brother DCP8155DN

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