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ArchiveJanuary 2009
Becoming a Video Game Expert

Becoming a Video Game Expert

Y ou've Got The Skills, So Why Not? If you find yourself playing video games day-in and day-out, you might be a prime candidate for establishing…
A Video Game Environment of Your Own

A Video Game Environment of Your Own

A Have you ever fantasized about building a video game environment of your own? A place where you and your friends could spend hours and hours playi…
From Start to Finish

From Start to Finish

F ind a Place to Study. Figuring out a time and place to do your homework and study is of the utmost importance. Once you have figured out when to …
Changing the Awkward Shots Into Opportunities

Changing the Awkward Shots Into Opportunities

A For some of us golfers, this is something that happens to us more often that we would like. You know what I am talking about. Shots that throw y…
Keys to Golfing Better

Keys to Golfing Better

T he golf professionals do have something that they agree on. If you do not keep your balance during the entire swing, it is not possible to have a…
Keep Your Eye on the Ball

Keep Your Eye on the Ball

A This phrase is often repeated in nearly every sport – keep your eye on the ball. It applies to golf too! If you do not watch the ball, then the …