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Brother QL-500 Printer Driver Download

Brother QL-500 Printer Drivers. A nice device, valuable and at a great price. Unfortunately, without reasonable instructions! With a little effort succeeds the expression on the included black and white roll, the use of the also included s / red roll remains a mystery. Constant error messages and no expression lead to the brink of despair. The hotline is not available, best not even try. Just the exact error description by e-mail to Brother brings help and leads through the depth of the Brother QL-500 drivers and software installation to the goal. A thick star deduction for the bad manual !!!

Environment: Current Windows 10 on current Office computer. Connection via USB and driver installation via the Brother driver service of the Brother homepage. Then installation according to the instructions of the P-Touch Editor 5.2. a total effort of maybe 10 minutes, if you still have a coffee in between. Since: impeccable function. I only tried the red / black function for a test. Works without error will not be used during my operation. Rather, the whole house will be re-labeled and finally provide each Parket legibly with address, sender and Internet brand.

Brother QL-500 Driver Download

The part is fast, reliable and extremely fast for my needs. The labels of the original manufacturer stick great and cheap labels are reliably detected in my printer. However, the adhesive properties of the post-label are not really good. I turn back to the originals. Funny are the 58mm labels for CD labeling. The printer works, the printing is easy - the parts look really cute and small on a CD. From my point of view: Price / performance / function: 5 points for my application.

Brother QL-500 Printer Driver Download