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Download Xerox ColorQube 8900 Driver Printer

Xerox ColorQube 8900 Printer Driver. When Xerox ColorQube 8900 comes to printing speed, the Colorqube 8900 can not compete with comparable color laser multifunction devices. This is shown by the comparison on page 6. The measured values ​​of the Colorqube are at the bottom of almost all tasks. But for most office jobs that's still fast enough. When performing the required printing and copying tasks, the system was able to pass most jobs with flying colors. For high-quality prints, the machine's speed drops from over 40 pages per minute in places to four pages per minute. Duplex printing also takes a long time. The pressure decelerates to cool the molten ink so that the backside of the paper can be printed. By using solid ink, it is possible to print on every imaginable surface, from handmade paper to aluminum foil.

Xerox ColorQube 8900 Driver Download

The Xerox ColorQube 8900 ink stays waxy on the surface. As a result, there are no quality losses due to the running of ink due to the used print media. However, the printouts are not documentary or heat resistant and therefore not suitable for laminators. Although the print quality does not provide real photo quality as in the laboratory, it is really good for colored customer brochures with pictures and graphics. By keeping the ink on the surface of the print media and avoiding fiber entrapment, media handling is flexible with consistently good print quality. The Colorqube 8900 can be expanded with paper cassettes and a finisher. So the machine is equally suitable for small and large departments. Companies looking for a reliable system for copying, printing and scanning are already well served by the basic machine.

Download Xerox ColorQube 8900 Driver Printer