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Download Panasonic KV-SL1066 Driver Scanner

Panasonic KV-SL1066 Scanner Driver. In terms of performance, the Panasonic KV-SL1066 scanner achieved extremely high overall speed in tests at test. Panasonic KV-SL1066 takes less than 7 seconds to scan a single page of text with a standard resolution of 200dpi. In particular, single-sided and double-sided scanning in the test is the same because the machine uses two separate light sources for simultaneous scanning, which can scan both sides of the paper at the same time as the document runs through. This is also a very useful feature for office users if it needs to scan large amounts of double-sided documents, saving considerable time and effort when scanning. The 10x15cm color and A4 scans at the highest resolution of 600dpi took 14 seconds and 16 seconds respectively, while the time to scan the business card was 12 seconds. The testing a multi-page documentation, Test Lab found the machine very fast, taking less than 15 seconds to finish scanning 10 sheets on one side continuously. Image Capture Plus also has the option to save scanned documents to a multipage PDF file for convenient storage.

Panasonic KV-SL1066 Driver Download

In general, thanks to the support of the rich and useful features of the Image Capture Plus software, the Panasonic KV-SL1066 scanner will meet the needs of scanning and storing all types of documents for busy office users. Tested at a standard resolution of 200dpi, the test found that monochrome documents are relatively clear text quality, easy to read but still the word "broken". This is also common in most models when scanning at low resolutions. Raising the resolution to a maximum of 600dpi, this phenomenon is almost completely overcome, the text is finer and lighter color. However, in return, the scan speed will take more than double but it is well worth the quality users need to scan to sacrifice the waiting time. Testing of graphics at 600dpi resolution also gives good quality, sharp detail and no grain breaks when zoomed. Also, when Auto Preview mode is selected, after scanning, Image Capture Plus software will provide an Image Review interface with scanned images of different color tones. The test found that this is a very useful feature so that users can choose the scan as they want before exporting to file to save.

Download Panasonic KV-SL1066 Driver Scanner

Support to Panasonic KV-SL1056 / KV-SL1055 / KV-SL1036 / KV-SL1035