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Download Netflix, Software to Watch TV

Netflix Download. Users of Windows 8 have a program to watch Netflix on your PC, and thus access the popular platform for watching TV shows and movies via streaming over the Internet. This application is free to those subscribers Netflix service, being an alternative to access via web browser. If you do not have a subscription, you may request a full month free trial. You can access Netflix from a computer, a mobile phone, a smart TV or from a (not necessarily intelligent) LED or LCD TV with a Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, Roku 3 or Apple TV connected to your HDMI port (which also You can access a WiFi connection).

The advantage of this application is that, like phone customers and to other aforementioned devices can be synchronized and pick any movie or series in the place where you no longer see, no matter from which medium was agreed, and view them anytime. This program features a gallery of content that can be navigated easily using the touch screen or just with the arrow keys, mouse PC or laptop mousepad. The content is categorized according to whether documentaries, films, series, etc., but also can be searched and suggestions according to user preferences (based on its record) is.

Download Netflix, Software to Watch TV

If more than one user shares a Netflix account, you can create a profile for each, so the suggestions and history shown will be personal. You can access ratings (scores) that indicate the popularity of content generated by the rest of the community, and in turn each user is able to set the number of stars that punctuates each content.

The PC edition only works with Windows 8, so users of Windows 7 and previous editions can use the browser version that has been optimized and looks great. On the official site you can download Netflix editions for mobile (Android, iPhone, Windows 7) to Blue-Ray, set top boxes, game consoles and media players mentioned above.

NOTE: Users of Spain and other countries that do not have access to Netflix service, will be able to enter through a VPN proxy service, such as Hello.