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Download Free SPAMfighter

Download Free SPAMfighter. SPAMfighter is a program that allows you to filter spam that comes to any mailbox is accessed through any of the following software clients: Outlook Express, Microsoft Outlook (up to version 2010), Windows Live Mail and Thunderbird.

Incoming emails are analyzed, and according to the background and the time that has already been marked as spam by other users who also use SPAMfighter is the tool to send it or not SPAM folder. A mail program is not detected as SPAM can dial, or conversely, if an address marked as SPAM is considered that it is not, be able to uncheck. The application also protects potential phishing or other fraudulent actions that seek to trick users presenting a false to pretend, for example, banking institutions, in order to steal the password mail.

Download Free SPAMfighter

You can apply filters to send mail to the SPAM folder if, for example, come from a specific domain or are written in a particular language, or contain certain keywords. This can be useful when certain advertising unwanted products, such as remedies is received.

SPAMfighter Standard 7.6.50 which can be downloaded free to use in private homes and schools. The program places advertising, and when a mail is sent the following message is added to the end: "I'm protected by SPAMfighter". It is available in Spanish.

Operating System: Windows 8, 7, Vista and XP.
Executable size: 2.5 MB.