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Download Printer Driver Xerox Phaser 3610

Xerox Phaser 3610 Printer Driver. Prints fast, duplex, is compact enough. Disadvantages: Use a paper should be good, or be ready, if you are using, how we have to work, SvetoCopy, for example often wipe the feed rollers. The printer is very sensitive to contamination with lint rollers. In 3600 the old model like that happened. Well, videos are erased with a bang. Stable large print volumes 15 thousand per month or more? Get ready to throw the printer resource when> 50 thousand. By this time, the film breaks into pieces on the stove shafts. Checked on three of these printers and MFP 3615. The cost of the new Fuser> 35 thousand. All because of the fact that he is coming to the older model 3655. The disposable toner cartridges. In general, printer design is very shaky.

Xerox Phaser 3610 Driver Download
The worst thing that happened at work. Old Xerox Phaser 3600 consistently fulfills the order of 1 million. Pages with due care (well and the stove to replace a couple of times the maximum!), And even if it is just zasypet toner / ash / radioactive dust paper to be missed, print, and ask for more. Immediately. For small office with a small amount of suitable, but I would look in the direction of Kyocera devices, given the disposability of the printer and its accessories. Advantages:Quick, easy and customizable flexibility. I do not never jammed paper. Easy, fast fill huge tuba original toner. But close to 200 thousand mileage torn film Teflon shaft in the oven (fuser), or special film frayed, fuser assembly disposable, replaced in the assembly code: 115R00085 price on 09/07/2015 of 30 thousand rubles to 34 rubles. Other repair options are not found.  In short, buying a machine, get ready to throw it away towards the end of the life of the stove, according to the documents 200 thousand copies of the resource stove. I did not expect such a gift to the price of the fuser.
Download Printer Driver Xerox Phaser 3610

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