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Download YUMI, Multiple Boot Operating Systems

YUMI Download, Multiple Boot Operating Systems. YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) is a program that, as its name suggests, is able to boot multiple operating systems from a USB flash drive (USB flash) plus repair applications, diagnosis or analysis of issues raised in the PC, either by hardware failures or by the action of a virus.

The program to create multiple boot. The operation of Yumi is You must use a USB flash drive formatted with FAT32, and to begin the installation must be assigned a letter to the flash drive (different from the existing partitions on the hard drive). Then choose any distributions listed and must indicate the path of the corresponding ISO. You can add all the ISO you want, depending on storage capacity having the pendrive.

Linux distributions or versions of Windows or other applications must have corresponding ISO images stored on the USB memory itself. The same application is responsible for downloading in case the user does not have them (must check the "Download the ISO" option); and in turn, you can add ISO files that are not included in the list provided by Yumi (must select the "Try an Unlisted ISO" option).

The great advantage of this application is that it allows testing various distributions without the need of using a Live CD or DVD for each of them as boot drive, being able to gather them all in one memory and use a single boot menu to all.

Download YUMI, Multiple Boot Operating Systems

Download YUMI, Multiple Boot Operating Systems. You can find various editions of the most popular distributions, as is the case of Ubuntu, Fedora, Open Suse or Linux Mint. Under the distributions listed other utilities, categorized under "Tools Antivirus", "System Tools" and "Other Tools" is displayed. Yumi is the latest version, updated in January 2015, which works for Windows (XP, Vista, 7) yy for Linux (Ubuntu, Debian). You can use it for free.