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Download The Hunter, Realistic Hunting Game

The Hunter Game Download. The Hunter game hunting. The Hunter is an online role playing game consisting go hunting and fulfill certain missions, which are increasing their difficulty, and after winning pass them, they may be acquiring better weapons and equipments for hunting. To play this game you have to register on the official website and create a character and to enter different scenarios, such as forest reserves or archaeological ruins, and start hunting the animals they arise.

The Hunter is a realist who understands the game and hunting'll appreciate and enjoy it. From the clothing and other items, such as preparing traps, ammunition and weapons to use. Also involved facts as inclement weather (fog, wind, rain, etc.) and other natural factors that can influence the better or worse aim to achieve. All this helped by the excellent 3D graphics quality that has the game.

Download The Hunter, Realistic Hunting Game

Hunting can be quiet at the beginning when you have to hunt animals such as deer, but can become dangerous for the hunter when you have to go for prey such as wild boars that can attack. In this latest edition has joined the online game mode with up to 8 participants while hunting team, making the adventure of hunting more fun. The new version 2014 Client The Hunter (2014081901) can be downloaded free. The file to download is 1GB and minimum hardware requirements are: Processor 3 GHz, 1 GB RAM and 256 MB video. Is pre-registration.